Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery

Liver Transplant Team

Liver Transplant Team

Living donor liver surgery has been a revolution in surgery field where a healthy donor is subjected to a major complex surgery in an attempt to save the life of his/her ailing relative. After its inception, living donor liver transplantation was adapted, and later became the most successful and safe source for liver allografts as the deceased organ donation remains scarce in Asia.

After first successful living donor liver transplantation is China Medical University Hospital in 2002, the Liver Transplant Center has emerged as most prominent liver transplant center in Taiwan by 2016 performing ~ 110-120 liver transplantations every year The experience over the last decade has helped me along with my team to set an effective protocol that has helped us to achieve an excellent outcome in liver transplant recipients which can be compared to the world’s major organ transplantation centers. Liver transplant Center of China Medical University Hospital is known for its excellent techniques and technical innovations during donor and recipient surgeries, immunosuppressive protocol, < 24 hours intensive care unit stay, and a comprehensive source for learning opportunities for the youngsters who wish to pursue their career in the field of liver transplantation. China Medical University Hospital Liver Transplant Center is actively involved in research activities related to the liver transplantation and has published several unique scientific papers.

The living donor liver transplant surgery is very complex and stressful that entails an extensive training in the field of liver surgery. The guidance of the seniors and a disciplined protocol, both in operating room as well as in postoperative care, are the important assets in the training of liver transplant surgeons. In my center, budding liver transplant surgeons are trained in stepwise manner that helps them becoming independent and confident over the period. In the end, I would like to emphasize following:

“Living donor liver is a precious gift from the near ones to those whom they wish to live long life. Its not just surgical experience, but, it’s a great emotional experience and stress that a transplant surgeon goes through. So, every action of the transplant surgeon towards his patient should be justifiable in terms of patient selection and surgical procedure. Bigger knowledge brings bigger responsibilities and every big responsibility brings even bigger stress. So, every technical breakthrough or its modification should be looked and appreciated with modesty in transplant community!”

Prof. Long-Bin Jeng

Prof. Long-Bin Jeng

  • Superintendent, Organ Transplantation Center
  • MD, School of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Vice Superintendent, CMUH
  • Chairman, Department of Surgery, CMUH
  • Organ Transplantation, General surgery
Associate Prof. Horng-Ren Yang

Associate Prof. Horng-Ren Yang

  • Director, Department of General Surgery, CMUH
  • School of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
  • Department of Immunology, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
  • General surgery, Robot-assisted Surgery, Organ Transplantation
Assistant Prof. Chun-Chieh Yeh

Assistant Prof. Chun-Chieh Yeh

  • Attending Physician, Department of General Surgery, CMUH
  • PhD, Institute of Clinical Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
  • MD, School of Medicine, Chang-Gung University
  • Two-year fellowship in Division of Transplant Surgery, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • Fellowship in Division of Surgery, Thyroid Center, Seoul National University Cancer Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • General surgery, Robot-assisted Surgery thyroidectomy, Organ Transplantation, Allogeneic and Autologous Islet Transplantation
Dr. Te-Hung Chen

Dr. Te-Hung Chen

  • Attending Surgeon, Department of General Surgery, CMUH
  • School of Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
  • General surgery,Laparoscopic and robotic liver surgery, Organ Transplantation
Dr. Shia-Chao Hsu

Dr. Shih-Chao Hsu

  • Attending Surgeon, Department of General Surgery, CMUH
  • School of Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
  • General surgery, Minimal invasive surgery, Organ Transplantation
Dr. Chia-Hao Hsu

Dr. Chia-Hao Hsu

  • Attending Surgeon, Department of General Surgery, CMUH
  • School of Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
  • General surgery, Minimal invasive surgery, Organ Transplantation
Dr. Ping-Chun Li

Dr. Ping-Chun Li

  • Director, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, CMUH
  • PhD, Department of Life Science, Tunghai University
  • M.S., Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Science
  • MD, School of Medicine, National Yang Ming University
  • Director, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital
  • Attending Physician, Department of Surgery, Taichung Veterans General Hospital
  • Cardiovascular surgery, Robot-assisted Surgery, Organ Transplantation
Dr. Ming-Li Li

Dr. Ming-Li Li

  • Attending Physician, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, CMUH
  • MD, School of Medicine, China Medical University
  • Attending Physician, Department of Surgery, Taichung Veterans General Hospital
  • Cardiovascular surgery,Organ Transplantation
Dr. Hui-Han Lin

Dr. Hui-Han Lin

  • Attending Physician, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, CMUH
  • MD, School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Medical University
  • Fellowship, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Cheng Hsin General Hospital
  • Cardiovascular surgery, Organ Transplantation
Dr. Kin-Shing Poon

Dr. Kin-Shing Poon

  • In charge Anesthesiologist of Liver transplantation team, China Medical University Hospital, Organ Transplantation Center (2002 to present)
  • MD, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Dept. of Anesthesiology
  • Anesthesia for Organ Transplantation recipients
Dr. Chia-Chen Chen

Dr. Chia-Chen Chen

  • Attending Anesthesiologist of Liver transplantation team, China Medical University Hospital, Organ Transplantation Center (2002 to present)
  • MD, Anesthesiology
  • Anesthesia for Organ Transplantation recipients