Thalassemia is a blood disorder passed down from family blood line; such an inherited disease is abnormal hemoglobin for the protein in red blood cell carries oxygen that destroys red blood cells and anemia.
Hemoglobin is made of two proteins: Alpha globin and beta globin. Thalassemia occurs when there is a defect in a gene that helps control production of these proteins.
Alpha thalassemias occur most common in persons from southeast Asia, Middle East, China, and in those of African descent.
There are many forms of thalassemia. Each type has many different subtypes. Both alpha and beta thalassemia include the following two forms:
Thalassemia minor occurs if you receive the defective gene from only one parent. Persons with this form of the disorder are carriers of the disease and do not have symptoms.
Beta thalassemia major is also called Cooley's anemia.
The most severe form of alpha thalassemia major causes stillbirth (death of the unborn baby during birth of the late stages of pregnancy).
Children born with thalessemia major (Cooley's anemia) are normal at birth, but develop severe anemia during the first year of life.
Persons with the minors form of alpha and beta thalassemia have small red blood cells (that can be seen under a microscope), but no symptoms.
There is no need to treat thalassemia minor.
If you receive blood transfusions, you should not take iron supplements. Doing so can cause a high amount of iron to build up in the body, which can be harmful.
Persons who receive significant numbers of blood transfusions need a treatment called chelation therapy to remove iron from the body.
Bone marrow transplant may help treat the disease in some patients, especially children.
Severe thalassemia can cause early death due to heart failure a, usually between ages 20 and 30. Frequent blood transfusions with therapy to remove iron from the body helps improve the outcome.
Possible Complications
Untreated thalassemia major leads to heart failure and liver problems, and makes a person more likely to develop infections.
Genetic counseling and prenatal screening may be available to those with a family history of this condition who are planning to have children.
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