Aftercare Education Articles

Intussusception 腸套疊


Intussusception is caused by abnormal intestinal tract movement or other causes like tumors in the intestinal canal and results a portion of the small intestine telescoped into an adjacent segment. The causes for abnormal bowel movement are related to foods and intestinal polyps.


Typical symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, and bloody stools. Patients might suffer from only one or two symptoms. The abdominal pain is intermittent. Patients suffer from paroxysms of pain. If the disease progresses, persisted abdominal pain, abdominal fullness, and peritoneal signs can develop.


Give enough water and electrolyte supplement to your child, so he/she could keep enough urine output. Antibiotic is not needed in most cases but physicians prescribe it for special condition. The treatment of intussusceptions is barium or normal saline reduction. If failed reduction or having peritoneal signs, the patient needs receiving operation. If having intestinal gangrene, the resection of necrosis areas and intestinal – anatomosis will be performed. 


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