Aftercare Education Articles

Pregnancy Discomforts and Treatments 孕期不適之症狀與處理


Pregnancy is a normal physiology change. As a fetus develops, a mother-to-be would experience some physiological or psychological changes which often cause pregnancy discomfort. She should not be overly concerned with such a discomfort. Below we provide some symptoms and treatments for all mother-to-bes to be aware of during pregnancy. 

Nausea, vomiting

During early pregnancy, most women experience nausea and vomiting. Severe vomiting often causes poor nutrition.

  1. 1. After waking up in the morning, eat some bread or crackers first, then rest for half an hour before getting up.
  2. 2. Eat a small amount of food frequently to diminish the feeling of an empty stomach.  Eat dry food every two hours according to your personal preference.  Do avoid drinking soup along with your food. 
  3. 3. Watch out for water supplement; when the color of the urine changes to darker color or when there is constipation, consume some liquid food between 2 meals. 
  4. 4. Avoid stimulating odor like cooking smoke, fishlike smell; adopt a more relaxing activity. 
  5. 5. If there is obvious weight loss or ketone urine, consult an obstetrician immediately.

During early pregnancy, most mother-to-bes suffer from uterus distension because of the increase of female hormone level which incurs gastric juice reflux; and that’s why they feel heartburn at times. 

  1. Eat less coarse, hard to digest, and fermented foods.
  2. Do not lie down immediately after a meal; elevate your head slightly when you take a reclining posture.
  3. Eat a small amount of food frequently.
  4. Visit a doctor if the condition is serious.

Constipation occurs due to uterus enlargement directly compressing rectum; also with decreased exercise and inadequate vegetable consumption, hormone during the pregnancy reduces water absorption and intestinal movement.

  1. Do not take any enema yourself; just form a timely habit of bowel movement.
  2. Adequate intake of vegetables and fruits rich in fibers.
  3. Drink more water with moderate exercise to aid gastrointestinal movement.
Increase of vagina secretion

During pregnancy, mother-to-bes feel the increase of whitish or light yellowish secretion because their cervix is thickened with abundant glands. There may be some itchiness around vulva area as well. 

  1. Pay attention to the perineum hygiene and wear cotton-made underwear. Avoid using pantyliners at all time. 
  2. Change underwear and clean perineum often.
  3. Avoid wearing close-fitting trousers and tight stocking.
  4. Mother-to-bes should visit a gynecologist if there is foul-odor of vagina secretion or vulva itchiness. 
Back ache and soreness

Back ache and soreness comes from incorrect body posture and abdomen distension; the increased lower body weight triggers fatigue, and back ache and soreness.

  1. Maintain a good posture; avoid long standing or sitting. 
  2. Wear low heel or flat shoes.
  3. Rest adequately.
  4. Proceed to prenatal exercises under the supervision of the medical personnel.
Varicose vein

The enlarged uterus oppresses the groin area veins, causing the obstruction of returning blood; and with the changes of hormone level, vein tension decreases further incurring varicose vein. 

  1. Avoid long standing, sitting, or walking.
  2. Raise legs high while resting.
  3. Seek for medical advice or instructions for wearing compression maternity pantyhose and elastic bondages. 
  4. With vulva varicose vein, mother-to-bes can elevate buttock when lying flat.
  5. Hemorrhoid (rectum varix)
    a. Intake more high fiber-diet to prevent constipation.
    b. Avoid spicy food
    c. Take a warm bath to alleviate local discomfort.
    d. Doctor’s prescriptions required for local area medication. 


1/3 of pregnant women are dizzy because of the following conditions: after a full meal, poor air quality, under direct sunlight, over exhaustion, anemia, and hypoglycemia.


  1. Avoid long standing or sitting.
  2. Avoid intense sunlight.
  3. Change posture slowly.
  4. Eat breakfast.
  5. Sit down immediately when experiencing dizziness.
  6. Seek for medical advice if dizziness persists.
  7. Adequate rest such as afternoon nap.

Spasm (cramping)

During late pregnancy, most women experience leg cramping, especially during night time. This is attributed to unbalanced calcium and phosphate at the time of increased leg stress and slow blood circulation.

  1. Wear long stockings to keep lower limbs warm.
  2. Don’t over exhaust yourself.
  3. Increase calcium-rich diet, such as milk, ribs, and fish.
  4. With leg cramping, get out of bed with heels on the ground, straighten your knee joints and push your heels toward your knees. Also you sit down with your heels pushing against the wall, and draw your heels toward your knees. 
  5. Proceed to prenatal exercises under the supervision of the medical personnel
  6. If there are any severe conditions or complications, seek for medical assistance. 
  7. Increase daily vitamins intake.

Pregnant women often suffer from feet edema during the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. 

This is attributed to poor blood circulation as a result of uterine compression and diluted blood volume. Extra caution is demanded if there are swelling ankles, fingers, and eyelids, or combined with protein urine and hypertension; these symptoms could be an ominous signs for preeclampsia.

  1. Avoid long standing or sitting.
  2. Rest often and elevate legs.
  3. Regular prenatal exam.
  4. Avoid salty and preserved foods.


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