Aftercare Education Articles

Seizure is the main parozysmal disorder of the newborn, characterized by the sudden onset of neurological dysfunction which causes unexpected changes in behavior. Seizure is an essential manifestation of epilepsy, but not all of them develop into this dis


Bronchiolitis is an inflammation of the small passages in the lungs (bronchioles), usually caused by a viral infection.


Influenza, commonly called “the flu,” is caused by the influenza virus, which infects the respiratory tract (nose, throat, lungs). Unlike many other viral respiratory infections, such as the common cold, the flu causes severe illness and life-threatening


Tonsils are adenoid glands located on the bilateral sides of retropharynx, made of lymphoid tissue. They function as filter and protection from micro-organism invasion of airway and digestive system. Therefore, many infections accompanied with tonsillitis


Cardiac catheterization is an invasive procedure for specific study or therapy of the abnormalities in heart or vessel. Catheters are specially designed soft tubes that can be used to enter the arteries or veins in limbs, traverse its vessel routes until