Aftercare Education Articles

Use syringe to draw out the feeding tube. If there is some indigestive milk, that is residual milk.


Fever is primarily an infectious ailment caused by inflammations like respiratory infection, urinary infection, and meningitis. Doctors have to locate the truth cause for the fever and treat it accordingly. If the patient’s body temperature is unstable me


Middle ear cavity communicate nasopharyngeal cavity with eustachian tube; the eustachian tube have functions of keeping middle ear cavity ventilation, secretion and pressure modulation. Poor eustachian tube function will lead to serial middle ear disease.


Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction to aspirate allergens such as pollen, fungus, dust or animal hair onto the nasal mucosa. Allergic rhinitis can be separated into seasonal allergic rhinitis and perennial allergic rhinitis. The former has much to d


The oral cavity includes lip, buccal mucosa, gum, retromolar area, mouth floor, hard palate, and anterior 2/3 of tongue. Once abnormal cancer cell appears, it could affect surrounding normal tissues or even metastasize to other parts of body. It is so cal