Aftercare Education Articles

For the sake of anesthetic safety, please follow the rules listed here. It not, the patient will be in danger and the scheduled operation/anesthesia will be postponed or cancelled.


Periodontal disease, also known as “gum disease”, is a chronic dental problem which can lead to bad breath, receding gums, mobile teeth, and tooth loss eventually.


“Baby Bottle Tooth Caries”(or “Baby Bottle Tooth Decay”) basically refers to the tooth decay in the babies/children under 3 years old. This type of tooth decay often occurs in the upper front teeth, but other teeth may also be affected.


Root canal therapy is the procedure involving removal of diseased pulp tissues, cleaning and filling the root canals with special dental tools and materials to keep the tooth in function without pain.


Q: What is "Stainless Steel Crowns" ? A: Stainless Steel Crowns (SSCs) are commonly used in pediatric dentistry.