Aftercare Education Articles

Were you ever distressed when one of your family members starts to have psychotic symptoms and inappropriate behaviors?


Vegetarian diet refers to diet that does not contain meant, fish, and other animalistic food. Vegetarian diet is divided into 2 types according to its restrictions over food choices:


A breast ultrasound uses sound waves to make a picture of the tissues inside the breast. A breast ultrasound can show all areas of the breast, including the area closest to the chest wall, which is hard to study with a mammogram. Besides, it is used ..


What is gout? Since ancient time, gout is named “the disease of emperor”, and it is common within postmenopausal women or men aged in their forties to sixties; also this disorder is genetically inheritable and it happens to young males around their...


Attention 1. Sit bath twice a day or after defecation. Warm water is suggested and duration is about 10 to 15 minutes. 2. Do Not add any sterilized water during sit bath, because the drug would stimulate the wound....