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The Second Taiwan Global Health Association Classics Awards. CMUH's impressive record of achievement. receiving both Group and Individual Awards

第二屆「國際醫療典範獎」  中國附醫創新猷  同獲個人獎和團體獎

  The results of the Second Taiwan Global Health Association (TGHA) Classics Awards that symbolizes the highest honor of Taiwan international medical services have been revealed. Under the leadership of the Superintendent of China Medical University Hospital (CMUH), Dr. Der-Yang Cho, International Medical Service Center received both Group and Individual Awards that established an impressive record of achievement this year. The presentation ceremony was held in the auditorium of Ministry of Health and Welfare this past June 9th. Dr. Der-Yang Cho expressed that CMUH International Medical Service Center that received two awards was acknowledged for its cross-disciplinary resource integration with a diverse, innovative model to break a new ground for Taiwan international medical treatment and to promote the visibility of Taiwan international medical services.

  On one hand, the Superintendent of CMUH, Dr. Der-Yang Cho, led the International Medical Service team to win the Group Award for their “innovative and diverse model of international marketing that further Taiwan international medical treatment to the world”. On the other hand, the Superintendent of CMUH International Medical Service Center, Dr. Hung-chi Chen, received the Individual Award for his “international humanitarian aid that corrected rare deformities laying a groundwork for the future to promote Taiwan international medical treatment”.


Innovative healthcare business model in the international spotlight advancing Taiwan's international image​
  In the past, Taiwan international medical treatment mostly relied on the resources from the government or on the hospital's individual effort. Dr. Der-Yang Cho stressed that in Vietnam, a country without a diplomatic relation with Taiwan, the CMUH medical team collaborated with the Taiwanese company, Hong Fu Industry Group, whose donation has reached as high as four million New Taiwan Dollars to mobilize the resources such as the medical teams, the enterprises, and the local media to amplify the power of the common good. A successful case example happened to the little girl, Ruan Shi Luan, who was a patient of elephantiasis. After a year of treatment, she was now cured and freed from the wheelchair and able to walk without aid. Afterwards, many Vietnamese media have visited Taiwan for exclusive interviews and coverage of this endeavor. Numerous other successful clinical stories also attracted the media coverage from almost 62 countries such as the U.S.A., the U.K., Germany, and Japan with a total of over 160 times of media exposure. Moreover, the Peruvian government awarded the Superintendent Dr. Hung-chi Chen in public with the silver trophy shield at the Legislative Palace of Peru where the flag of the Republic of China was raised for the first time that evoked enthusiasm and set off the ripples of medical tourism to Taiwan.

  Dr. Hung-chi Chen stated that this example has 1) successfully fostered an international friendship and further the international reputation of Taiwan through an act of kindness; 2) accentuated the high quality of the international medical services to build the foundation for future Taiwan international medical treatment development; 3) helped overseas Taiwanese companies establish cordial relations with the locals and advance the brand images ; 4) epitomized “patient-centered care” and “holistic medicine” as a result of the cross-department collaboration among the healthcare professionals of CMUH.

CMUH blazed the way in a country without a diplomatic relation and let Taiwan's cutting-edge medical practices shine​
  The reconstructive surgery for serious illnesses by Dr. Hung-chi Chen is the core technique of CMUH International Medical Service Center that has earned a worldwide recognition. Dr. Hung-chi Chen confirmed that over the past fifteen years, CMUH has spared no effort and resources to achieve the success of the international medical treatment. This award not only affirmed that this enterprise has come to fruition after years, but it also approved Taiwan's success in combining medical technology and the spirit of philanthropy. Dr. Hung-chi Chen specified that with the unique successful case of reconstructive surgery for serious illnesses, CMUH International Medical Service Center has explored a new direction for Taiwan's international medical treatment, helped the hospitals and the healthcare professionals internationalize, and given back and bolstered the images of overseas Taiwanese companies for more business opportunities.

  Specifically, to ensure the best result of a one-time surgical treatment, CMUH International Medical Service Center followed up each patient's health condition long term. This manifests the purpose of the center which is to enhance the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of patients and to assist the local medical treatment services to take root through teamwork and the cross-department collaboration. He appreciated the effort of the team and the devotion from different sectors together through which the kind deeds beyond borders allowed the love of Taiwan to shine brightly.

International Medical Service Center

Superintendent  Hung-chi Chen / Vice Superintendent  Tzu-Liang Chen
