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Implantation of the latest ventricular assist device saves life
Chief of Cardiac Surgery, CMUH, Dr. Ping-Chun Li successfully saved a patient from dying of terminal heart failure by implanting the latest left ventricular assist device this March.
Big Data from CMUH Health Examination Center. One every four people has colorectal polyps and one every twenty-five is recommended with breast biopsy
The 70-year old celebrity Chu Ke-liang's news has called the public's attention over colorectal cancer. According to the data released by the Health Promotion Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, colorectal cancer has been the cancer with the highest incidence rate for 8 consecutive years since 2006, while breast cancer has the highest incidence rate for women cancer.
Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine Working in Harmony Positive Effects by Neoadjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer is the most common cancer among women in Taiwan. In recent years, there are more and more younger women who are diagnosed with breast cancer.
Weight-Loss and Diabetes Treatment: 18 Year-old Depressed Teen turns into Sunshine Boy
According to the big data produced by Taiwan’s NHI (National Health Insurance), diabetes patients have a higher risk of getting cancer. Due to the changes in daily diet habits, not only have many people become obese but the age of obesity induced diabetes patients are also becoming younger.
Success in Initial Phase of Collaboration between CMUH and HungFu Industrial Group Co. Limited – Assists Vietnamese Girl with Klippel-Trenaunay-Syndrome Regain Ability to Walk
HungFu Industrial Group Co. Limited has cultivated their presence in Vietnam for 14 years. During these years HungFu have always given back to the community that they have come to call their own. This time, they reached out to make Loan’s dream a reality. Loan first came to Taiwan in June of 2016 from a humanitarian outreach mission. As of January 2017, Loan is able to walk on her own with special rehabilitation shoes and has since returned home to reunite with her family.