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“Stop worrying about rare lung cancer. Precision therapy is easy” Health Education Campaign for Rare Lung Diseases
CMUH –Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Chest Medicine Director Zhi-Yen Tu stated that lung cancer can be divided into non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer, with 85% of the patients belonging to non-small cell lung cancer.
Patients suffering from shaky hands now have a cure for tremor and it is surgery free
CMUH Division of Neurology Attending Physician Ming-Kuei Lu suggested that “essential tremor” is usually the postural or action tremor symmetrical to dominance in genetics and often occurs at youth or senior period, which condition progresses slowly. There is yet no likely pathological mechanism that could be defined but the majority of studies regard the mechanism as related to brain stem and cerebellum.
Be careful! Poor psoriasis control can also lead to deformed joints
Miss Lu, 41 years old, was diagnosed with psoriasis at her senior year in college, which symptoms included large area of rash and constant scaling on the limbs and body.
Operating Surgery “without Open Heart Surgery” Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) without Surgical Procedures
Three-year-old little girl, Yeh, was diagnosed with a large ventricular septal defect right after birth. She suffered from symptoms such as respiratory asthma, fast heartbeat, hepatomegaly, night sweats, and slow weight and growth (her weight has fallen under 3 percentile) due to the complications with heart failure since infancy and needs to take heart failure medicine over a long period of time.
Long-Term Lower Back Pain and Sudden Changes in Previously Well-Controlled Blood Sugar Levels Could be Precursors to Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer is the invisible killer among all cancers mainly because it does not have early symptoms or have a reliable and effective routine follow-up and screening instrument. Once diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, patients are usually in the intermediate and advanced stages of cancer. According to statistics, only one fifth of patients have the opportunity to receive curative treatment. Moreover, pancreatic cancer is particularly susceptible to invasive metastasis and failure to