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Hyperlipidemia 高血脂症


Excess cholesterol and fatty substances, triglyceride, in the bloodstream is deemed hyperlipidemia. When the cholesterol level is too dense, it is easier to incur atherosclerosis, which increases the opportunity of getting coronary artery disease; also, when hypertriglyceridemia level exceeds 500mg/dl, it is easier to incur pancreatitis. While the density of lipoprotein cholesterol increases, it provides protection to vascular sclerosis and coronary artery disease.

Classification of blood lipids: The blood lipids include triglyceride and cholesterol.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is one of the major components of the cell membrane, and the precursor substance for compound sexual hormone, and corticosteroid and bile acid. It is easy to be deposited around vessel wall and further incur arteriosclerosis. 

What is triglyceride?

Triglyceride is the main energy source in the body. Excess intake of fat, carbohydrate and heavy drinking will increase the density of triglyceride level in the body; and excess triglyceride will be accumulated in the liver and result fatty liver.

TG and Cholesterol Serum Density for Adults

Type Ideal density Borderline High risk density
<200mg/dl 200~239mg/dl ≧240mg/dl
Fasting 12 hours
<200mg/dl 200~400mg/dl >400mg/dl
LDL-chol <130mg/dl 130~159mg/dl >160mg/dl
Fasting 12 hours
>40 mg/dl
>50 mg/dl
<40 mg/dl
<50 mg/dl

Dietary guidelines for hypercholesterolemia

  1. Maintain ideal body weight, exercise regularly, restrict total caloric intake, and avoid monosaccharide and excess lipids.
  2. Restrict total intake of lipids. 
  3. Select monounsaturated oil such as rapeseed oil, olive oil, sarachis oil; and polyunsaturated oil like sunflower oil, soybean oil, corn oil or safflower oil; and saturated oil like coconut oil, palm oil, walnut oil, pork fat, and cattle fat.  
  4. Avoid high cholesterol foods such as crab, shrimp, and fish roe.
  5. Increase the intake of high fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits. 
Dietary guidelines for hypertriglyceridemia
  1. Maintain ideal body weight and control your calorie intake.
  2. Intake more polysaccharide related foods, such as grains or millets, do avoid monosaccharide or disaccharide foods like sucrose or honey, and excessive drinking. 
  3. Intake more fish which contains DHA and EPA, like Pacific saury, salmon, and silver pomfret.
Unless your cholesterol is dangerously high, lifestyle modifications are  recommended as the first line of treatment.
  1. Weight Loss:  losing weight can help bring your good cholesterol up and your bad cholesterol down.
  2. Exercise :moderate activity like brisk walking can  help lower triglycerides, while vigorous exercise like running can boost HDL
  3. Quit Smoking: Research shows that giving up cigarettes can increase a person’s  HDL by 4 mg/dL, on average and it is good for your heart .


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