Các bài báo giáo dục Chăm sóc sức khỏe

Dietary Principles of Hypercholesterolemia 高膽固醇血症飲食原則


The foundation of maintaining hypercholesterolemia is to live with a regular diet; by regulating calorie, cholesterol in the blood, and fat intakes can patients then minimizing their chances of getting cardiovascular diseases and diminishing the content of the cholesterol in the blood.

Subjects for applying the guideline:
  1. The patient with hyperglycemia - the total cholesterol density or the low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is higher than the normal value 
  2. The high risk group of Coronary artery disease.
The sources of cholesterol:
  1. The liver cell can synthesize cholesterol to maintain body functions like hormone and Vitamin D.
  2. Mainly absorbing from animalistic foods like egg-yolk, fat milk, fatty meat, animal oil, internal organs and seafood.
General Principles:
  1. Maintain ideal body weight
    Ideal body weight(IBW)=height2(m)2 × 22 ± 10 %
  2. Averagely intake six groups of foods every day, including milk, cereal, meat, fish, beans and egg, vegetables, and fruit and fats. 
  3. Opt for food like defatted or low fat milk, fish without its abdomen and skin, chicken, ducks, goose without its skin, and the lean meat of cow, sheep, and pig. 
  4. Avoid eating foods with high cholesterol like the internal organ (brain, liver, and kidney), eggs (crab ovary, egg yolk, and roe), seafood with shell (oyster, clam, and abalone), octopus, and squid.
  5. Avoid eating fried or crisp foods like fried chicken, instant noodles, and sesame seed cake. 
  6. Do not eat more than 3 eggs per week, including food products containing eggs: cakes, egg tart, and tomato fried eggs or egg soup. 
  7. With stewed soup, remember to keep it in the fridge until it is frozen, take out the fat before heating it. 
  8. Soup from roasted chicken and red-roasted pork containing high fat should be banned.
  9. High fat processed foods also contain high cholesterol like milkshake, sausage, hot dog, and chocolate. 
  10. Control fat intake. Adopt cooking methods like steaming, boiling, roasting, stewing, and baking. 
  11. Apply low stimulating seasonings in order to make up for the defects of low oil cooking method to promote appetite. Low stimulating seasonings include: onion, ginger, garlic, sweet and sour sauce, and tomato sauce. 
  12. Opt for good cooking oil like olive oil, mustard flower oil, sunflower seed oil, and peanut oil. 
  13. Avoid using the following fatty oil: lard, butter, chicken oil, cream, butter, coconut oil, and palm oil. Because these fat will increase low density lipoprotein (LDL) and the cholesterol in vivo. 
  14. When dining out, opt for steaming or boiling food, and avoid food cooked with oil like sesame oil, cream, salad dressing, and chili oil. Some well known dishes using aforementioned cooking oil are sesame oil chicken, cream crab, and etc. 
  15. When dining out, opt for white meat instead of red meat; in another word, fish and chicken meat is better than pork, cow, and mutton. 
  16. Opt for food containing water-soluble fiber to help reduce cholesterol density in the blood. Suggested foods include all kinds of fruits and vegetables, whole wheat products, and jelly of agar. 
  17. Maintain a regular exercise habit: at least 3 times a week, 30 minutes each time. Highly recommended exercises include: walking, swimming, mountain climbing, and dancing. 
  18. Properly adjust living style like quitting smoking and alcohol to reduce occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

National Cholesterol Education Program ATPIII


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