Các bài báo giáo dục Chăm sóc sức khỏe

Dietary Principles of Dumping Syndrome 傾食症候群飲食原則


Gastrectomy patients may experience sweating, general weakness, dizziness, palpitations, abdominal pain, and diarrhea 10-15 minutes after they have a meal. This is due to food moving rapidly through their gastrointestinal tract.

General Principles:
  1. Avoid sweet foods or foods containing alcohol like honey, juice, and liquor. 
  2. Eat more frequently with smaller amount each meal; 3 meals with snacks in between is recommended
  3. Rest for 30-60 minutes after each meal
  4. Replace white rice and noodle with whole grain rice; during the initial trimester, reduce intake of carbohydrates and starchiness food; gradually increase the amount up to the demand base on the patients’ condition. 
  5. Eat food served at a moderate temperature. Chew thoroughly before swallowing it because solid food is better than liquid food. 
  6. Eat fruits and vegetables containing rich fibers as they help to release indigestion and slow down the absorption of sugar. 
  7. Balance your diet with appropriate amount of protein intake.
Example of soft food recipe

(1800 Kcal/day, 90 grams of protein)


Menu (Ingredients)


a.1 box of low-fat cottage cheese

b.A whole wheat sandwich (2 slices of whole wheat bread, scrambled onion eggs cooked with 1/3 teaspoon of oil, and 5 grams of salad dressing)

Snack following breakfast

A bowel of papaya


1.A bowel of mixed grains.

2.Steam some snow fish

3.Fry big cucumber with 1/2 bowel of fresh shiitake mushroom and 1/3 teaspoon of oil.

Afternoon snack 1

1 bowl of watermelon

Afternoon snack 2

husked lotus cooked with waist endosarc


A bowel of whole wheat seafood noodle fried with 5 clams, some fish, 5 fresh shrimp, 100 grams of luffa, and 1/3 teaspoon of oil.

Evening snack 1

3 pieces of soda cracker

Evening snack 2

A box of low fat cottage cheese

Example of semi-liquid food recipe

(1800 Kcal/day, 90 grams of protein)


Menu (Ingredients)


1.box of low-fat cottage cheese

2.Porridge (cooked with a bowel of coarse rice gruel, an egg, 50 grams of onion, and some ground pork)

Snack following breakfast

A bowel of papaya


1.A bowel of mixed grains.

2.Steam some snow fish

3.Fry big cucumber with 1/2 bowel of fresh shiitake mushroom and 1/3 teaspoon of oil.

Afternoon snack 1

1 bowl of watermelon

Afternoon snack 2

husked lotus cooked with waist endosarc


A bowel of whole wheat seafood noodle fried with 5 clams, some fish, 5 fresh shrimp, 100 grams of luffa, and 1/3 teaspoon of oil.

Evening snack 1

Mix either 2 spoonful of sugar-free lotus flower seed powder or wheat flour with water

Evening snack 2

A box of low-fat cottage cheese


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