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Pre- ESRD Care: Diet control 未透析前慢性腎衰竭病人的飲食控制

Why we need diet control?
In pre-dialysis patients, low dietary protein intake can reduce the production of nitrogen-containing waste products. In addition, it prevents the deterioration of renal function. Since your body needs some protein, adequate protein intake is essential to maintenance of good health while avoiding malnutrition. Lacking sufficient dietary protein, pre-dialysis patients may become weak and may lose their ability to fight infections effectively.
How to control protein intake?
Patients with chronic kidney disease should take in approximately 0.6-o.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. Of that, two third or more should come from high quality sources such as milk, soy beans, fish, pork, beef, lamb, and egg white.
How to control fluid intake? 
  1. Excess fluid in your body can result in edema, especially in your ankles and feet; fluid buildup around your lungs could lead to pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure.
  2. Avoid drinking too much beverages, water, soup, and rice porridge; and control salt intake (see the section of “salt restriction”).
  3. If you feel intensely thirsty, you can hold an ice-cube in the mouth then spit it out, rinse your month, or chew gum.
Salt restriction
  1. When your kidneys are not working properly, too much sodium makes your body hold too much fluid that is detrimental to your health. This can result in high blood pressure, edema, and pulmonary edema.
  2. The foods including soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, and some condiment are high in sodium and should be limited in your diet. You can use sugar, rice vinegar, ginger, and pepper instead. 
  3. Avoid any pickled or sodium preserved food, such as can food, sausage, chicken extract, or pickled cabbage.
Potassium restriction
  1. For kidney disease patients, having too much potassium in the body can be a serious problem. That may cause sudden arrhythmia, heart failure, or death.
  2. Leach high-potassium vegetable before using.
  3. Avoid or limit foods that are high in potassium, such as coffee, tea, some fruits, sports drinks, and nuts.
  4. Be very cautious about using low sodium salt because most of them contain some form of potassium.
Phosphate restriction
Unhealthy kidneys may not be able to remove phosphorus from our blood and can cause high phosphorus levels in the blood. This extra phosphorus can pull calcium out of our bones which lead to renal osteodystrophy and skin itching. The food containing high phosphate must be restricted such as mung beans, small red beans, bean curd, any bean products, and grain.
The most detailed diet control plan: we suggest you to discuss with your dietician of CMUH-CKD (chronic kidney disease) education for OPD (out-patient department).
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