Các bài báo giáo dục Chăm sóc sức khỏe

Adjust your desk, monitor, and chair to a comfortable height, so that your neck would not bend forward. Keep your neck in a "neutral" position whenever possible.


There is no cure for diabetes so far but it can be well controlled through food, regular life style of not staying up all night or too late, medication like oral hypoglycemic agent and insulin, and positive emotions.


If you are still confused or have doubt over the information presented here, we are at your service at any time. Contact us within the hours provided below.


1. Substitute sugar is a kind of artificially synthesized chemical sweetener. 2. It is low caloric and we need only a few amount to sweeten the food taste.


Keep the Following things in Mind 1.Select a firm mattress and box spring set that provide good supports...