Post-extraction Care Instructions 拔牙手術後病人注意事項
Bite down on gauze pack for 30 minutes and refrain from spitting out blood. Please swallow all saliva in order to prevent displacement of gauze pack. Keeping gauze pack in place can help stop bleeding.
Remove gauze pack 30 minutes later. Do not fret over mild oozing of wound since this is considered normal. Do not spit out blood even after removal of gauze pack since spitting may cause wound to bleed again.
Analgesics, painkillers, can be taken immediately after the removal of gauze pack; however, do not intake any food until numbness feeling from the anesthetics wears off. This is to prevent accidental biting trauma of the lips and tongue.
Do not eat extremely hot, hard, or spicy foods for 7 days following the operation. A cold and soft diet (e.g. milk, cold porridge, cake, and ice cream) is preferred. Also, avoid all use of straws.
In order to maintain the hygiene of the operation site, gently rinse mouth with warm salt water or mouthwash after eating. Brush teeth with caution to prevent contact with wound and do not rinse mouth or spit with excessive force.
Painful swelling of the operation area may be more apparent two days after the operation. Use ice pack to reduce symptoms and prevent bleeding.
Please return to the hospital one week after the operation for the check-up of the wound condition and removal of the dressing and sutures.
Return to the hospital in 3~4 weeks for further evaluation of the healing condition and subsequent prosthetic rehabilitation, wisdom teeth excluded.
連絡電話:(04)22052121分機 2580