

Post-local anesthetic instructions in pediatric dentisty 兒童牙科-局部麻醉術後之注意事項

Dentists use local anesthetics (numbing medicines) to help the patients get rid of pain during the treatment. The duration of local anesthetics is typically one or two hours. Children feel numb over cheek or lip when the medicine still works. To avoid injuries caused by accidental biting, the following are some instructions for parents:
  1. No food to your child because they should avoid chewing when the local anesthetics are still working. 
  2. Stop them from scratching/biting cheeks/lips out of weird feelings.
  3. If a swelling or an injury at the cheeks/lips is noticed, please contact the dentist immediately.
When soft tissue trauma occurs accidentally, the child will have various symptoms from swelling, bruise to ulcer. The problem will take at least 3~4 days to recover. Please consult the dentist if needed. 


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