Definition of DM
DM is a group of diseases characterized by hyperglycemia (elevated blood glucose) resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both.
Diagnostic criteria for DM
Symptoms include:
Thirst, increased daily urine amount, weight loss, and causal plasma glucose greater than 200 mg/ dL
With empty stomach more than 8 hours, the plasma glucose level exceeds 126 mg/dL
2 hours after taking the 75-g oral glucose test, the plasma glucose level exceeds 200 mg/ dL.
Note: when any aforementioned symptom is fulfilled, it is deemed diabetes mellitus.
DM Classification
Type 1 DM: pancreatic β cell destruction and insulin deficiency.
Type 2 DM: insulin resistance.
Other specific types: resulting from pancreatitis, endocrine disorders, or drug
Gestational DM: hyperglycemia with first recognition during pregnancy.
Acute complications of DM
Hypoglycemia: Low level glucose is induced by medication overdose, insufficient food intake, or excessive work-out.
Ketpacidosis: excessive ketone accumulation in the body results distinct gastrointestinal symptoms and acute short breath.
Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome: extremely high hyperglycemia with combination of dehydration and consciousness disturbance.
Chronic complications of DM
Retinopathy: vision blurring or loss of vision.
Neuropathy: numbed and painful limbs, postural dizziness, constipation or diarrhea, and impotence.
Nephropathy: protein in urine, edema, hypertension, and renal failure.
Cardiovascular disease: atherosclerosis incurs stoke, myocardial infarction, lower limb circulation disturbance.
Foot ailment: ulceration, necrosis, gangrene, infection, and amputation.
DM Treatment
Diet: adequate calories and balanced nutrients.
Exercise: 30-minute to an hour daily exercise with moderate intensity.
Drugs: oral medication or insulin injection.
Comprehensive health education.
Regular and normal life style.
Goals for DM control
Plasma glucose before meal: 90-130 mg/dL.
Plasma glucose after meal: less than 180 mg/dL.
HbA1c: lower than 7.0%.
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