

Urinary Tract Infection and Acute Pyelonephritis 泌尿道感染與急性腎盂腎炎

What are the urinary tract infection and acute pyelonephritis ?
Urinary tract infection is bacterial overgrowth in urinary tract. These bacteria in the gut  move to originally aseptic urinary tract, and ascend along the urethra and induce inflammation. According to the site of infection, it divides into two classifications. First, the lower urinary tract infection includes cystitis and urethritis which manifest urinary frequency, hematuria, turbid urine, dysuria, and low abdomen pain; Second, the upper urinary tract infection or acute pyelonephritis manifests flank pain, fever, chills, and nausea. If treatment delayed, the acute pyelonephritis may result in renal abscess or sepsis, even life threatening.
The causes
There are many  risk factors in urinary tract infection, including:
  1. Gender: The female have much higher infection rate than male, because female urethra is  located closed to anus.
  2. Age: The babies with age less than one year old; boys often have more urinary tract infection than girls. While women grow preschool,after marriage and gestation period), their urinary tract infection rate  is higher than men. The infection risk of men increases as they getolder because of prostate hypertrophy.
  3. Urinary tract obstruction caused by congenital urinary tract dysfunction or anatomic abnormalities, or urolithiasis .
  4. Neurogenic bladder and prostate hypertrophy result in urinary retention.
  5. Chronic disease such as diabetes mellitus andimmunodeficiency.
  6. Some instruments such as cystoscope or Foley are inserted into urinary tract  for  the aim of diagnosis or treatment.  The procedures may induce urinary tract infection.
Laboratory examinations
  1. Routine Urine examination such as Urine Analysis.
  2. Urine culture.
  3. Other examinations such as pyelography or renal sonography may be needed for renal stone or anatomic abnormalities.
The treatment
  1. To take antibiotics, anti-spasm drugs.
  2. To drink more water (2000 cc/day) for increasing the frequency of urination. But the elderly and people with heart disease should discuss with cardiologist about the intake volume.
  3. To treat anatomic abnormalities.
The prophylaxis
  1. Urinate frequently and do not hold the urine.
  2. Take vitamin C, vegetables or fruits containing vitamin C. For example, the cranberry juice can acidify the urine to reduce the growth of bacteria in urinary tract.
  3. Avoid taking irritant foods such as coffee or wine.
  4. Drink water before sexual intercourse; take a bath before and after sexual intercourse; urinate after sexual intercourse.
  5. After defecation, women must sweep anus from anterior part to posterior part.
  6. Shower is better than bath.
  7. Keep the underwear dry and clean.
  8. High-risk groups for urinary tract infection are hospitalized people and patients with diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, prostate hypertrophy, and pregnant women.
  9. If there is Foley, it needs to be cleaned every day.
  10. Consult urologist if patients suffer from recurrent urinary tract infection because it is often considered the existence of anatomic abnormalities or voiding dysfunction.
The recurrent rate of urinary tract infection is very high. To keep the effective health care is the only way for prevention. Regular life, balanced diet, avoidance of excessive tiredness, adequate water intake, and good habit of urination are the base of maintaining health of urinary system.
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