

Diet program of nurturing mother 哺乳期婦女的飲食原則

Diet program of nurturing mother
  1. All mothers need to intake enough food and water, and maintain their own health; thereafter, they are able to look after the family members and the baby. There are no special regulations of what to eat and what not to eat. 
  2. During pregnancy and breast-feeding period, the feminine nutrition demand is high, and the body's use of mechanism is also effective. The nursing woman only needs to absorb 400 to 500 calories every day. 
  3. The nutrition of making breast milk comes from energy stored in vivo during pregnancy, or food absorbed by the mother. Nurturing mothers may discover obvious weight loss 3-6 months after delivery. 
  4. Non-enough food or nutrition will not decrease breast milk. Breast milk decreases only when nurturing women feel tired under the following conditions: over-working, insufficient nutrition, or no time for eating food. 
  5. Water intake depends on the mother’s drive. It is not necessary to force excessive drinking. 
  6. The nursing woman may eat any kind of food. Diverse kinds of food will not make the baby feel uncomfortable. Researchers have confirmed that nursed baby has richer sense of taste, and will accept other foods easily in the future.
  7. If the mother thinks that the baby becomes agitated and cry easily after taking certain kind of food, consider suspending this kind of food for a week or so to see if baby’s agitating condition subsides. 
  8. Baby is mainly allergic to milk and milk related products, or other food like chocolate, corn, citrus fruits class, wheat, and peanut. 
Mystery of nurturing mothers’ diet
  1. Is it necessary for nurturing mother to take special nutritional food?
    The mysterious mechanism transforming mother's diet into breast milk supplies baby’s growth needs. It is not difficult to understand why nurturing mothers feel guilty for not taking special nutritional food because they worry that insufficient nutrition may impede baby’s growth. Perhaps the example below could help: in countries suffering from constant famine, mothers there do not have the ability to obtain nutrition, but their babies still survive because they breast feed their babies. As a matter of fact, malnutrition hardly exists since diet quality has been improved in most societies. 
  2. Does certain food decrease or increase breast milk production? 
    From the principle of milk secretion, secretion increase if there is more stimulation from baby sucking on the nipple. When mothers’ bodies receive instructions for more breast milk, it naturally secrets more milk. Scientifically and medically, food is rather irrelevant to milk secretion; besides, food may play different roles base on certain recognition of the culture. Therefore, the role of food is relatively fussy and ambiguous. In our society, it is believed that fragrant-flowered garlic could draw back milk secretion; if nurturing mothers believe it to be true, breast milk could actually draw back due to pressure. Therefore, we strongly suggest nurturing mothers to adjust their mood and release pressure. 
  3. Is caffeine and alcohol forbidden?
    Some researches in 1994 from USA point out that mothers who breast feed their baby once they drink more than 750ML coffee daily, it could result certain negative impact. There may be no problem to those who drink less than the amount. However, it is still necessary to pay attention to symptoms presented by your baby because individual babies may have different reaction to it. t If the baby is especially sensitive, try not to drink beverages with caffeine in the afternoon or try low caffeine drinks. It is not strictly regulated for the whole nurturing period because the metabolic rate of caffeine in the baby will increase after 3-5 months. 
    As to the ethyl alcohol, the research points out: a few drinks in a small cup of grape wine or beer in certain occasion will not hurt your baby; however, daily long-enduring excessive drinking will certainly worry researchers. It not only affects baby’s brain growth but also disperses promptly into blood and breast milk. Prevent drinking wine when nursing your baby simultaneously. Squeeze out and discard breast milk produced during your liquor drinking occasion. In our culture, it is believed that cooking with rice wine during nurturing period is important; but it is recommended to boil longer with food cooked with rice. 


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