Doctors would give clear instructions regarding the amount and frequency of the medicine. Do not overdose it or use it more frequent than you are told.
Mixing drugs with milk is highly forbidden because for one it changes the taste, for two some drugs interact negatively and change the effects, and last children do not obtain exact dosage if they do not finish the drink. Therefore, more precise approach is to mix drug powder with 10-20 C.C. of water, syrups, or juice; do not mix it with honey or grapefruit juice and make sure they finish it all.
Questran and Pecolin are anti-diarrhea agents; both interact with other drugs and influence their absorption, so take the drug along or with 1 hour interval between drugs.
If your child still suffer from high fever, over 38.5℃, 1-2 hours after taking oral antipyretics, give him or her an antipyretics rectal suppository and please note this is inapplicable if your child has diarrhea. You may also wipe his or her body with warm water to reduce his or her body temperature; do not use cold water or ethanol, so he or she does not shiver. If the problem persisted, go to the hospital as soon as possible.
Fever provides a warming sign over our body fighting infections, and doctors would cautiously discover the causes to prescribe most appropriate antibiotics for patients. Follow doctors’ instructions and prescriptions; and please note: have your child drink a lot of water.
If doctors prescribe syrup powder or suspension for your child, mix it with cold water up to the instructed amount. Shake the bottle every time you feed your child and then store the rest in the fridge. Consult pharmacists if you are unsure of the procedures.
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