

The treatment for residual milk with nasogastric tube feeding 小兒鼻胃管灌食餘量之處理

Use syringe to draw out the feeding tube. If there is some indigestive milk, that is residual milk.
  1. Before you draw from the nasogastric tube, double check on it to see if it is loosen or coming off.
  2. If the residual milk is more than what has been taken in, stop feeding the coming meal. 
  3. If the amount of the residual milk isn’t more than the half amount of the last feeding, the next feeding amount must deduct the amount from the residual milk. Feeding with the residual milk finally. 
  4. Rush to the hospital immediately if there are any unusual colors of the residual milk, like dark brown or green. 
  5. Seek for help from the hospital when you have closely observed several meals of residual milk and abdominal distention of your child.
  6. After every tube-feeding, pump 0.5-1 cc water to rinse the tube. 
  7. After every tube-feeding, hold up the baby to help it let out intestinal gas.
  8. Elevated he baby’s head thirty degree after feeding. If there are conditions like vomiting or poor digestion, place your baby in a right decubitus position to prevent aspirating vomitus. 


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