

Burn Injury Wound Treatment Process 燒燙傷傷口的處理

After undergoing important 5 steps of first aid process, rinse-off-dip-cover-send, we will proceed to following managements depending on the status of wound for vicitms of burns.
Early Debridement
Remove destroyed skin, hair, and any contamination to make the wound clean.
Covering Treatment Use dressing with medicine for wound covering and fixation.
Eschar Management
Burns above 2 degree will produce a leather-liked necrotizing tissue: eschar. Complications occur once eschar cover the wound for a period of time. Further management, depending on the clinical requirement, includes excision, incision, and eschar dissection.
Skin Graft
After eschar management, burns above 2 degree shall be covered as soon as possible to prevent bacterial infection, body fluid with electrolyte loss, bleeding, and suffering of burn victims.
So called skin graft is to take healthy skin from other region, usually thoughs or scalp, except burn wound. The wound after skin graft will keep immobilization for 1 to 2 weeks for re-vasculation between skin graft and underneath wound.
Skin Substitute
  1. Bio-dressings: made from different kinds of animals. (eg: pocine.)
  2. Synthetic dermal analogs: include bilayer or, more commonly used, multilayer material.
For victims of burns below 2 degree, use skin analogs, this will gradually shed away after dermal regeneration, to cover the wounds for 1-2 weeks.
For victims of burns above 2 degree, skin analogs provide temporary barrier of dermal tissue and granulation growth till skin graft performed.
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