Home Care for patients of Colorectal surgery 大腸直腸肛門外科出院病人注意事項
Sit bath twice a day or after defecation. Warm water is suggested and duration is about 10 to 15 minutes.
Do Not add any sterilized water during sit bath, because the drug would stimulate the wound.
Topic use of the sterile ointment after sit bath and then covered with gauze.
Adequate ease exercise everyday and do not long time sitting.
Diet: taking the fresh food with rich fiber (ex. Vegetable and fruit) and drinking enough water. Do not eat stimulated food (ex. Chili) before wound healing. Do not alcoholic drinking.
Absorptable material suture line was use for wound suture that would dissolve spontaneously. If you found the suture line loosen, we would remove it at clinics.
If you suffered from difficult defecation or constipation for 2 days more, please come to our clinics for further management.
Do not worry about the little blood or discharge before the wound healing. But come to our emergent room to consult colorectal doctor once major bleeding from the wound.
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