What is ERCP?
ERCP is performed by using a duodenoscope. The scope is inserted through esophagus to the stomach and into the second portion of duodenum. Once the papilla of Vater is identified, the bile ducts and pancreatic ducts are injected with contrast material through a small plastic catheter, and x-ray pictures are taken. When these x-ray pictures show stones or obstructions, they can often be treated during the same ERCP examination.
What preparation is required?
Please sign the consent form.
Blood test will be done.
You will be starved 6-8 hours before the procedure, including water and medicine. If you feel thirsty, you can use water to rinse your mouth to reduce discomfort.
On the procedure day, please pay attention to your oral hygiene and change to the surgical gown.
Please remove your denture, eyeglasses, watch, and also urinate before your entering to the examination room.
We will insert an intravenous catheter into a vein in your left hand, and sedatives or any necessary medications will be given during the procedure.
There will be an assistant using wheelchair or moving bed to send you to the ERCP room which is located on the 2nd floor of the Children Hospital.
If you are scheduled through the outpatient clinic, please proceed to the ERCP room directly which is located at on the 2nd floor of the Children Hospital.
During an ERCP
The technician will inject antispasmodic to you, and this medication helps to decrease your saliva, gastric acid, and bowel movement.
The technician will spray a local anesthetic in your throat, this could allow the endoscopic tube pass your throat smoothly and reduce your discomfort.
Please remove any tight clothes and relax during the procedure. Please remove your Eyeglasses and denture, and lose your clothes.
Please lie on the examination table then turn to your left side. Doctor will insert the endoscopic tube through your mouth and inject the dye to show your biliary and pancreatic duct on the X-ray film.
If you experience nausea and vomiting during the procedure, this is a normal reaction due to the procedure. Take a deep breath and relax to reduce the discomfort and allow the procedure proceed smoothly. We will add some medication into your infusion to reduce your discomfort.
The total procedure usually takes approximately 20-30 minutes. If there is a stone or narrowing of the duct noticed, the doctor can widen the opening of the papilla to remove the stone or put a stent to drain the bile.
After an ERCP
You can try to drink a little water about one hour after the procedure to see if your swallow function has recovered. If you can drink without chocking, this means the swallow function has recovered.
Please follow your doctor’s instruction about when you can start to eat.
If you experience sore throat, you can use a little mouth wash to gargle.
If you experience tachycardia, chest tightness, difficulty in swallowing, abdominal pain, dry mouth, difficult voiding, fever, or black stool, please inform your health care provider immediately
Due to the medicine given during the procedure, you may feel sleepy, please watch your own steps to prevent fall. If you have ERCP as outpatient, do not drive or operate any machinery right after the procedure
For outpatient, please come back to see your report a few days after the procedure
Risk and complications
Although complications can occur, they are uncommon. Complications can include pancreatitis (5.4%), bleeding (2.0%), cholangitis (1.0%), cholecystitis (0.5%) and bowel perforation (0.3%)
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