Reduce the physiologically and psychological discomfort during pregnancy.
Estimate the fetal growth.
Early detect of the high risk pregnancy and fetal anomaly.
Screen pregnancy complications
Promote a physically and mentally healthy pregnancy.
Prenatal exams
Pregnancy weeks
Number of exam
Pregnancy at 28 weeks
Once every four weeks
Pregnancy at 28 ~ 36 weeks
Once every two weeks
Pregnancy at 36 weeks~term
Prenatal exam items
Exam items
3 months of pregnancy
(before 12 weeks)
Pregnancy test, blood routine: red blood cell, hematocrit, blood type, thalassemia, syphilis, Germany's measles, urine routine, pelvic examination, ultrasound of fetal heart beat, Pap smear, and Spinal muscular atrophy gene study
10~14 weeks
Measure nuchal translucency for Down Syndrome and Spinal muscular atrophy screening
14~21 weeks
Routine exam + non-advanced maternal age woman + Down Syndrome serum screening
16~18 weeks
Routine exam + amniocentesis for advanced maternal age woman or high risk Down Syndrome pregnancy
18~24 weeks
Fetal ultrasound exam
24~28 weeks
Routine exam, gestational diabetes mellitus screening
28~32 weeks
Routine exam + fetal presentation exam, and Hepatitis B check
32 weeks~term
Routine + ultrasound exam, estimate of the fetal weight
35~37 weeks
Vaginal Streptococcus B screening
Note 1: bold type and underline items are explained below.
Note 2: routine exam: weight, blood pressure, urine sugar, urine protein, edema, fetal heart beat, fetal presentation, amniotic fluid, and fetal growth.
Prenatal exam items explanation
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA )gene screen:SMA is a recessive hereditary disease, 1 in 25~30 normal people is a carrier. If both husband and wife are carriers, fetus will have 1 in 4 chance of becoming an SMA patient. Only 2-3cc. of blood is needed for the examination, and National Health Insurance does not cover the cost, NT$ 2200.
Fetal nuchal translucence screen:using high resolution ultrasound at 11-14 weeks of pregnancy to measure and evaluate the posterior region of fetal neck to screen out fetal chromosome anomaly (Down syndrome) and congenital fetal heart disease. Again National Health Insurance does not cover the cost NT$1000.
Down syndrome screen:for under age 34 non-advanced maternal age pregnancy, screened by blood test, if the result of the probability is greater than 1/270, amniocentesis is further recommended. National Health Insurance does not cover the cost, NT$1050.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) screen:for early detection and treatment of GDM, it is to prevent pregnancy complications. First, Glucose loading test, pregnant woman ingest 50g of glucose sugar, followed by blood glucose test one hour later, if blood glucose is higher than 140mg/dl,there is a possibility of GDM, a second test (oral glucose tolerance test, OGTT) is necessary for confirmation. Fasting for 8 hours, sample a blood for a glucose baseline, then drink 100g of glucose water followed by blood glucose measurement at 1, 2, 3 hours, if 2 out of 4 are abnormal, then a definite GDM diagnosis is confirmed. Treatment would be required.
Streptococcus B screen:Group B streptococcus is a common female genitourinary bacteria, 1/4 of the pregnant women have vaginal streptococcus B colonization; mostly asymptomatic, but one half of the newborns can be infected during vaginal delivery. Only 1-2% will have clinical signs. Prevention is to screen for GBS during 35-37 weeks of pregnancy. If infection were detected, it can be treated before delivery by antibiotic therapy.
Signs of the high risk pregnancy
Seek for medical assistance immediately if any of the following conditions occurs:
vaginal bleeding
rupture of membranes
persistent, sudden headache, nausea, vomiting, and backache
fuzzy eyesight
severe edema of face, hands, and legs
decreased urine amount
decreased fetal movement
sudden chillness or heat sensation
regular abdominal pain
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